How to know that the identification diamond symbols stamped on jewelry are authentic

Since diamonds are rare and expensive, scams and fraud are prevalent. The news routinely shows with victims of these heartbreaking crimes. Some men unknowingly buy fake diamond jewelry for their loved ones. Meanwhile, misled women wear plastic rings thinking that these have value.


You should be careful if you want to buy diamonds. One marker of authenticity is the symbols on the jewelry. Make sure that their labels are correct, following the conventions of diamond manufacturers and vendors. These are the hallmarks for diamond rings:


  • The seal of the standard’s organization shows that the jewelry has been screened and certified. If this is absent, that means that the diamond and its body are most likely fake.
  • You can also see the seal of the diamond vendor. Make sure that this seal is consistent with the brand store’s logo or symbol.
  • Most rings with precious metals show the karat (also called carat). This measureis the standard unit for purity and fineness. In the United States, jewelry show this as kt or K. Meanwhile, British vendors abbreviate it as ct or C.
  • Some rings provide the parts pure number instead of the karat. Examples include 417 (for 22KT), 585 (for 14KT), and 999 (for 24KT). This number can help you determine if the jewelry is genuine. Remember that reputable manufacturers do not install real diamonds onto substandard metals. If the number does not match the jewelry’s purity, then this is a bad sign.
  • If the ring is not composed of gold, the markings will show the symbol of its metal. The symbol for platinum is plat or PT, stainless steel is SS, and palladium is Again, bear in mind that diamonds do not get attached to cheap materials.
  • Some rings show the letter D to say that it has diamonds. If the jewelry has a CZ mark, this is the equivalent of cubic zirconia. This stone is a synthetic diamond. It should not be as expensive as natural ones.


As you can see, crafters can assign different markings to describe the jewelry’s quality and prestige. But carefully assessing these symbols can save you from fraud and fake diamonds. Check their consistency and accuracy. Most importantly, buy diamonds from well-known vendors and respected sellers.


Identification diamond symbols stamped on jewelry can show the jewelry’s background and integrity. But there is a much more effective way of knowing the diamonds’ authenticity: checking the diamonds themselves.


Know the difference between authentic diamonds and similar stones.


Diamonds can now get created in laboratories. To achieve this, scientists expose carbon to harsh temperatures and pressure similar to the Earth’s mantle. But the result, synthetic diamonds, have a far lesser value than natural ones. At face value, mined and lab-made diamonds look alike.


Hiring a professional can help verify them. Experts know that synthetic diamonds have uniform structures and other elements aside from carbon.


Moissanite closely resembles diamonds, but it has a far lesser value. This stone is more sparkly, colourful, and refractive. Try letting light pass through it. If the stone becomes a prism of colours, that is not a diamond but moissanite.


Before purchasing diamonds, make sure that they do not belong to rocks like these. Doing so can help you sell diamonds at the price they deserve.


Perform a fog exam on the diamond.


A fog exam is a proven way to test if diamonds are fake or not. Try breathing into the stone, like in a mirror. Then, watch the fog. If the moisture stays for many seconds, the diamond might be fake. Repeating this will make the surface even moister.


Authentic diamonds can spread out heat, so they do not condensate easily. It will stay clear from moisture even if you breathe into it again and again.


Closely assess the diamond with a loupe.


If you go to a jewelry shop, you will notice how vendors use loupes or magnifying scopes into the stones. Zooming in, you will see that authentic diamonds have tiny bits of minerals and quaint specks of colours. These imperfections are present because diamonds assemble in intense environments underground.


However, this does not happen to synthetic diamonds such as cubic zirconium. Yes, these lab-made stones can pass other tests, but their perfection incriminates them. Synthetic diamonds came from controlled and sterile productions, unlike natural ones.


View the stone under a microscope.


Microscopes can also help determine the diamond’s authenticity. While looking at the lens, move the diamond slowly. If there is something orange on its surface, that is likely cubic zirconia or synthetic diamond. Hence, it does not have the same price and quality that natural diamonds possess.


Notice how the diamond reflects light.


Another crucial property that authentic diamonds have is their greyish reflection. Gaze from the diamond’s top part. If it shows a rainbow of colours, the stone might be fake. Moreover, real ones have the same brilliance as glass. If it is too shiny and vibrant, the stone might be moissanite.


Test the stone with heat.


Diamonds are the most durable and resilient materials on Earth. This stone can quickly withstand heat, given its intense origins. To test its authenticity, an expert might expose the diamond to heat for 30 seconds. Legitimate diamonds will only absorb the heat. But fake ones will break, melt, or abnormally warm up.


However, moissanite has the same heat dispersing property that diamonds have. An electrical test can differentiate the two.


Pass the diamond through an x-ray.


Diamonds can stay hidden from x-rays because of their molecular properties. So if the stone reflects an image on an x-ray, it is a fake. Perhaps, that false diamond is only a piece of glass or crystal.


You can consult a testing laboratory or an imaging centre to conduct this diamond test.


In conclusion


Understanding identification diamond symbols can guide you in assessing jewelry. But determine if the stamps are consistent with the material and the official seals. To be sure, test the diamond itself to prove its authenticity.